Acceptable Technology Use Policy



Below is a sample policy user agreement:


Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy 2014-2015

Signature Page

Student User (must be signed by student)

I understand and will abide by the Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy. I further understand that any violation of the regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

User’s Full Name: ____________________________

User Signature: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________________

PARENT or GUARDIAN Statement of Understanding

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read and agree to the Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. The School has taken precautions to eliminate inappropriate material. However, I also recognize it is impossible for the School to restrict access to all inappropriate materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the Internet. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission to issue an account for my child and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.

Student (please print): _________________________Grade: ______

Parent’s or Guardian’s Name (please print): _____________________________________

Parent’s of Guardian’s Signature: _____________________________________________

MEDIA RELEASE (Please check as appropriate)

I hereby give permission______ I hereby do not give permission _____

for _________________________to allow publication of my child’s image and creative efforts on the internet

and in promotional printed materials. Publication of pictures of my child and their creative works

could include stories, artwork, digital media creations, video recordings and interviews. I understand

that my child’s picture and/or creative works may appear in various media including but not

limited to newspapers, radio, television, the school yearbook and newsletters, print advertisements,

promotional videos, brochures, the school website, and other education marketing venues.

Parents or Guardian’s Name (please print): ___________________________________________

Parent or Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: ________________________



Below is the link to an example of what the Geneva County Board of Education, as well as what another schools uses in regards to the Technology Usage Policy.